Hannah clocks up her second modern apprenticeship

Hannah clocks up her second modern apprenticeship

Hannah Leslie
Hannah Leslie has completed her second modern apprenticeship at AES Solar.

AES Solar’s lead administrator Hannah Leslie has just completed her second apprenticeship with the firm – and in record time. Hannah had already qualified in Business and Admin and has now successfully completed an apprenticeship in Customer Service.

Hannah, who joined AES Solar in March 2014, said: “I am delighted to have completed my second apprenticeship with AES. The customer service apprenticeship is important because it has given me a lot more confidence in my work and when it comes to handling enquiries. It has also helped me to build a good relationship with our customers.”


“It all adds to my qualifications as well, as I chose not to go to university. There was nothing at the time I felt passionate enough about to go and do. Doing a modern apprenticeship through work means that I have found a job I really enjoy and get qualified at the same time as earning a living.”

“It’s my second apprenticeship at AES, having previously been through a Business and Admin one as well.”

George Goudsmit, managing director of AES Solar, said: “It’s an endorsement for the company that young people are constantly interested in improving themselves and therefore the company. Wholehearted congratulations.”